Faculty Profile

Owen Ewald

Owen Ewald

C. May Marston Associate Professor of Classical Languages and Civilizations; Chair of the Department of Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics

Email: ewaldo@snsxedu.net
Phone: 206-281-2064
Office: Marston Hall 218

Education: BA, Yale University, 1992; MA, University of Washington, 1995; PhD, University of Washington, 1999. At SPU since 2001.

Born in Washington, D.C., Owen Ewald came to Seattle in 1992 and never left. He is married with two children. His dissertation concerned how historians during the Roman Empire, especially the 100s AD, looked back to the Roman Republic (753-31 BC). His scholarship in the discipline of Classics includes articles on aesthetics, historiography, poetics, and topography, as well as translations.

Since 2005, Dr. Ewald has delivered the annual Marston Lecture in Classics, and past topics have included Augustine, humor, and science fiction/fantasy. In more than 15 years of teaching at SPU, he has taught Latin, Greek, ancient literature in translation, art history, and ancient history. He has taught in the University Scholars program since 2008.

Selected Publications

“Imperial Roman Cities as Places of Memory in Augustine’s Confessions.” Urban Dreams and Realities. Ed. Adam Kemezis. Brill, 2014. 273–93. (refereed)

(with Ursula Krentz) “Beauty and Beholders” Essays in Philosophy 13.2 (2012): 436–452. //dx.doi.org/10.7710/1526-0569.1431. (refereed)

“Glimpsing the Light.” Christianity & Literature 61.1 (2011): 100 (creative translation, refereed)

(with Jack Levison) “Josephus and the Burial of Women at Public Expense.” Athenaeum 93.2 (2005): 635–45. (refereed)

Review of Pisani Sartorio et al., The Appian Way: From its Foundation to the Middle Ages, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2005.04.15 (refereed)

Please view Dr. Ewald’s CV for more information.

Owen Ewald

Why I Teach at SPU

Owen Ewald, Associate Professor of Classics

At SPU, I can bring ideas, texts, events, and objects from the ancient world into dialogue with the traditions and innovations of Christianity. I try to lead students more deeply into how ancient cultures develop over time in response to non-inevitable choices.